This post is intended to give you a quick walk-through on how to configure CUCM to use an external NTP server to synchronize it's time.
Note: Do not confuse this with "Phone NTP References". You can optionally configure phone Network Time Protocol (NTP) references in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration to ensure that a phone that is running SIP gets its date and time from the NTP server. If you choose not to do so, SIP phones will get time from the 200 OK SIP messages they receive.
Cisco CUCM NTP Configuration Steps
- Access the "Cisco Unified OS Administrator" on the CUCM Publisher.
- Settings > NTP Servers
- NTP Server Settings: [ enter the IP Address of the NTP server here ]
CUCM NTP Verification
From the CLI, use the utils ntp status command as shown below. In the example shown, the CUCM server is synchronized to NTP server ( at stratum 3.
admin:utils ntp status
ntpd (pid 30521) is running...
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
ntpd (pid 30521) is running...
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
* 2 u 780 1024 377 49.199 -1.620 0.456
synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3
time correct to within 45 ms
polling server every 1024 s
Current time in UTC is : Thu May 27 16:59:47 UTC 2010
Current time in America/Chicago is : Thu May 27 11:59:47 CDT 2010
synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3
time correct to within 45 ms
polling server every 1024 s
Current time in UTC is : Thu May 27 16:59:47 UTC 2010
Current time in America/Chicago is : Thu May 27 11:59:47 CDT 2010
You can run this on each server within the cluster and you should see that the CUCM Publisher is synchronized with the NTP server entered above.
All other servers in the cluster will be synchronized with the CUCM Publisher.
Related Posts:
Cisco IOS NTP Overview
Cisco IOS NTP Configuration